This page contains quotes, inspiration, and guidelines from various sources that I've found to be helpful or want to be reminded of.
Act with honesty and kindness
- Clarity is kindness
Understand what's within your control and own your actions
Compete against yourself
Iteration velocity means shipping, learning, and improving as fast as possible
Prioritization matters because time is precious. What's the difference between working on low priority things and doing nothing at all.
- Most people waste their time on things that don't matter.
As a leader your job is to define reality and then give hope
You will mess up when moving fast, but the damage of moving too slow is far greater. - Kevin Van Gundy
Beware of psychological denial. When reality is too painful to accept, we often distort it
- "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman
Instead of focusing on the ultimate outcome, focus on the next move. There is always something you can do today to get a little better, to move a little closer, to put yourself in a better position. It's not pretty. It's not sexy. It's not fast. It doesn't even make for a good story. But it works. You don't build an empire in a day. You build it brick by brick. Day by day.
The purpose of knowledge is action, not knowledge. - Aristotle
Let the dogs bark, Sancho. It's a sign we are moving forward. - Don Quixote
Do it scared if that's what it takes.
It is much more important to work on the right thing than it is to work many hours. - Sam Altman
- Once you have figured out what to do, be unstoppable about getting your small handful of priorities accomplished quickly.